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Art Direction
2D-3D Art
Video Games
Marketing, VR
Art Direction, Pipeline Optimization, Training, Outsource Management, Team Cultivation.
Virtual Reality, Hands-on Concept art, Modeling, UV, Texturing, Normalmapping, PBR.
Maya, 3DMax, Zbrush, Photoshop, Substance, Illustrator, AfterEffects.
PC and Console engines: Gamebryo, CryEngine, Unreal Engine, Unity.

Teaser trailers of the teaching materials I've made.
I believe in teaching the tools, and cultivating the craft as well. Training from me teaches tools, best practices, successful mind sets, ways to deepen the scope of the eye's attention and its relationship to the hand.
Every artist needs to grow their artistry beyond the day to day tasks to improve their performance on their day to day tasks.
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